Female President in a Fortune 100

Client wanted to more effectively manage her reputation within the company and build a stronger relationship with her boss. Our work focused on improving communication and building political savvy to balance promoting her wins while staying humble.

HR Manager in a technology start up

Client wanted to improve her executive presence and influence with her senior leaders. Our work focused on building confidence, customizing her communication to meet the needs of the senior leaders and finding her voice.

Technical expert in a leadership position

Client had deep technical expertise but struggled with the relationship skills needed to be an effective leader and influencer. We worked on how to build positive relationships with colleagues at all different levels (C-Suite, boss, peers, direct reports) and on emotional intelligence.

Real Estate leader in a retailer

Client wanted to work more effectively with cross-functional partners in Finance and Store Operations.  Our work focused on relationship building and problem solving.

Student learning to speak up

Client wanted to build self-confidence and start participating more in class. We worked on understanding the unique point of view he brought to class and strategies for overcoming nervousness in order to ask more questions.

Communication leader balancing ethical issue

This client was trying to balance the desire to have an open and friendly culture on her team with a recurring problem of some team members being offended by the jokes of others. We worked on defining appropriate behavior and what it meant to create a culture that was both fun and inclusive.

Leaders new to multi-site management

Worked with dozens of leaders in retail as they moved from single store management to multi-store management. We used assessments and individualized coaching to support new skills such as managing a virtual team, communicating to a dispersed group and holding other leaders accountable through metrics.

Leaders new to top leader role

Worked with leaders moving into the top leadership role at $500M-$100B facilities. Leaders new to the organization focused on learning the specific operations, procedures, financials and key relationships for managing the business. Leaders promoted to the higher role focused on executive presence, managing cross-functional teams and improving specific leadership behaviors.