You made a major mistake. Your first thought might be that your reputation is ruined. Learn how to fix the problem, salvage your reputation and move forward.

Step back, take a deep breath and re-group. One mistake does not have to derail your career.

Start by fixing the problem

Solving the immediate problem gives you a foundation for rebuilding your reputation. This might mean correcting an error, apologizing or pulling a late night to get a project completed.

Stabilizing the situation is like triage after an emergency. It happens immediately and with urgency.

Once the immediate crisis is over, your reputation still has a black mark. What now? Acknowledge your responsibility, so you can move on. If you run from the problem, your co-workers won’t trust you.

Be humble…but don’t overdo it

Be humble and apologize where needed. But here is a warning – especially for women – don’t over apologize. Don’t offer to “pay penance” over and over. Focus on moving past the mistake and into the future.

Put a fix in place

Once you’ve fixed the problem and put structure or processes in place to prevent future occurrences, clearly communicate your implemented fixes.

Share this information in order to re-assure your co-workers and set accountability for yourself.  You can’t just commit do doing things right, you have to follow through and continue to perform consistently.

Everyone hits rough spots. Navigating trouble ultimately makes you wiser and stronger.

Learn, grow and keep on moving.

Source: This tip adapted from “First aid for a damaged reputation” by Ann Howell at Science of Working

Salvage your reputation after a mistake at work
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