We’ve all had those conversations when it seems like you are talking past each other without connecting. It can be frustrating – and it is usually ineffective.

Try matching their language

Here is a quick tactic to try when this happens: match your words in order to build rapport.

Everyone has a preferred learning and communication style.  If you mirror the other person’s style, you make a connection and can move the conversation forward. 

Visually oriented language

If the person is visually oriented, they will use words and phrases like: “show me”, “I see”, “things are looking good”, “bright future”, “need to focus”. 

Auditory language

Auditory people use phrases like: “rings a bell”, “like the sound of that”, “voiced an opinion”, and “tuned in”. 

Kinesthetic language

Kinesthetic people will say: “boils down to”, “pain in the neck”, “pull some strings”, and “it’s a hassle”. 

“Match your words in order to build rapport”

Every person can and will use language across all of these areas but will use one more than another. 

Listen for the telling phrases coming from your conversation partner.  Match those phrases.  This quick, easy change will improve your connection and smooth out the discussion.  Give it a try.

Rapport through Matching Language
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